A month ago today, I sent out 32 notes of love to friends and family in an effort to spread love, kindness, and joy to others.
I received so many notes in return--grateful for the love that was exactly my intention.
If you recall in my post, I sent a note to a friend with whom I had lost touch, and had not spoken to or seen in nine years.
I sent the notes on a Friday.
That Sunday, while going through the madness that is getting a family of four dressed after swimming lessons in the family locker room at the gym, I walked out of the dressing area and right into that friend.
It was insane, it was crazy, it was madness. What were the freaking odds?
We exchanged greetings, met each other's families, she thanked me for the note, we tried to sell her on joining the gym (they were on a tour), and then we--very awkwardly--said goodbye.
She emailed me the next day.
"I know a sign from the Universe when it slaps me in the face like that. We need to get together before I rear end you on Beechmont Avenue!"
And so tonight, over margaritas and mexican, we got together.
We re-connected.
We laughed so hard there were side stitches, and cheek aches, and tears.
I've had multiple conversations lately about how "midwest" it is to stay connected to the people you knew in high school.
Tonight, we talked about it again.
"There's just something so easy and so comforting in a friendship when that person knows everything about you from so young--that ground is covered and you just move on with the now," she said.
And *now* is a great place to be.
Even if you aren't much for resolutions, maybe resolve to reconnect with someone this coming year. Reach out, extend a note, an email, a phone call.
Nothing to lose, and nothing but love and friendship to gain.
Imagine your year filled with that.
Happy New Year, indeed.