Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Capri Sun Epiphany

A dear friend sent me to one of her favorite blogs this morning and inspired by her inspiration, I decided it was time for a post.

About the only thing that has inspired any sort of creativity lately has been Pinterest. I am apparently baking my way through my maternity leave, one carb-filled sweet after another.

At our weekly grocery outing (to purchase ingredients to create said sweets), I pulled out of my cart a box of twelve Capri Sun pouches. And a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. And Curious George fruit snacks.

And it hit me.

For as eighteen years old as I often feel--and by eighteen I don't mean fit and trim and dumb; I mean non-adult like, and in denial about my slowly growing crows' feet--I suddenly realized that I'm a mom on the fast track to forty.

I'm not just buying sweet potatoes to mash into baby food, or those styrofoam melt-in-your-mouth cereal snacks for early eaters, or even formula.

I'm buying the stuff that big kids eat.

And soon my checkout belt will be full of multiple gallons of milk and pizza rolls and Hot Pockets and other gross stuff that teenaged boys eat. And age-defying eye creme, too.

Purchasing a station wagon didn't do this to me. Buying our forever home that seems way too big and adult like to be ours didn't create this feeling.

Really, it was that box of Capri Sun.

And they sit in my pantry, so that every time I open it up to grab a Pinterest cookie, I have a constant reminder of exactly where I am on this journey.

Two kids, a couple dogs, a fantastic husband, and a life that keeps going faster and faster.

Thank you, Capri Sun, for reminding me to savor it.

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