Monday, January 23, 2012


It's been my time waster for about a month now. Greg used to harp, "Get off facebook!" and now it's, "Stop pinning!"

But I'm learning so much! And I wanted to share.

Things Pinterest has taught me:

  • I should have been taking weekly pregnancy shots with my kid holding up a chalkboard stating how many weeks we are. Or spelling out the baby's name in blocks over my belly. 
  • My friends love cats. 
  • The cupcake trend is alive and well.
  • My friends love recipes that involve cheese. 
  • You can do just about anything with a strawberry for a party. 
  • My friends and I have big dreams for dream houses. And vacations. 
  • There is irony in pinning a cheesy recipe right after you pin a girl with ripped abs to your "Thinspiration" board. 
  • I haven't been on etsy in weeks. 
  • Need to get grease out of a shirt? Chalk. Dirty microwave? Bowl of vinegar. Crayon on the wall? Hairspray. Okay I made that one up. 
  • Who knew laundry rooms could be so...chic?!
  • If you do 50 jumping jacks and 40 astronaut jumps you'll be finished working out in 5 minutes and look like every girl on my "Thinspiration" board. 
  • I have tried two new hairstyles since joining Pinterest. And I don't do much with my hair. Ever.
  • Paper pom flowers are all the rage. 
  • For as happy and fun as Pinterest is, there are still angry people. Knitting pattern with broken link? Someone is ranting and raving in the comments. Dude, it's a knitting pattern.
  • Double shower curtains are totally in.
  • You can do just about anything with stuff from IKEA.
  • Should you really boil a can of condensed milk for 2 hours?! 
  • S'Mores are constantly inspiring desserts.
  • When friends without kids post photos of nurseries, I wonder if they have a secret.
  • I can't wait to drink again. There are some damned good adult beverage recipes pinned.
  • I had to go back to the Fischer Homes design studio to change my options on the new house because of things I saw on Pinterest.
  • And my favorite Pinterest truth: ain't that the truth

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